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The Debutante Program

Escort Responsibilities 


RESPONSIBILITIES:   Thoroughly read the “Responsibilities of an Escort” below and make sure that you can abide by these responsibilities. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Mrs. Epstein, Escort Advisor,  c: 941-960-5319. 


As an escort in the Sarasota and Manatee Debutante Program, I agree that I will do the following:

  • Attend the Father / Escort Orientation at the Sarasota Orchestra. 

  • Be willing to work within the structure of the Debutante Program concerning responsibilities and conduct.

  • Be a companion and friend, responsible for picking up the Debutante at her home and accompanying her to social events, looking after her welfare at the event, and escorting her safely to her home afterward.

  • Respond to event invitations promptly (preferably upon receipt) but no later than the RSVP date.  I understand that if I do not reply by the deadline, I am not eligible to attend the Deb Family/Families Event (Deb Committee Policy.)

  • If costumes are specified for a themed event, the costume must be decent and appropriate. Shirts, pants (shorts for outdoor events where appropriate) and shoes are always required.

  • Arrive promptly and remain until the end of the event. Debutantes and Escorts are to stay, inside or within the designated area, during the entire event. No trips to cars, leaving and re-entering.

  • Refrain from all cell phone use (including texting) at all Debutante events.

  • Introduce yourself to the host family (families) upon arriving and thank the hosts and hostesses upon departing.

  • Refrain from inappropriate or indecent dancing at events.

  • Write thank you notes to the hosts and hostesses of the parties within one week following the events.

  • Attend the Ball Rehearsal on Thursday, and the Ball on Saturday, on their scheduled dates.

  • Behave in a gentlemanly manner at all times, giving due respect to the Debutante, her parents, the Debutante Committee and other Debutantes.

  • Adhere to the zero tolerance policy regarding alcoholic consumption or drug usage before, during or after any Debutante event. Offending person or persons will be required to withdraw from the program.

  • Act honorably and with due regard to high standards of personal conduct. If an awkward situation should arise, a member of the Committee will contact the Debutante’s and/or Escort’s parents. If any Escort should become an embarrassment to the Debutante Committee because of personal conduct, they will be required to withdraw from the program. 

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